Storm Rebuild
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Jun. 15 2021 Announcements
RS ELiTE Package
Jun. 8 2021 AnnouncementsUltimate Driving Package
A-1 Golf Carts Launches New Website!
Sep. 14 2020 NewsWe are proud to announce the launch of our new website for our A-1 Family at
Finding The Serial Number On Your E-Z-GO Golf Cart
Sep. 14 2020 NewsGet a quick and comprehensive guide on how to find the serial number to any E-Z-GO Golf Cart!
It was very cool to see all of the carts meticulously decorated and man what a turnout!! Check out the video from the Cottonwood Palo Verde Christmas
What is trending in Golf Cars?
Oct. 5 2017 NewsWatching the evolution of the electric golf car has sure been interesting. Back in the old days, the manufactures built golf cars for one purpose, g
Anniversary Sale 2017
Mar. 29 2017 NewsThe winter season is now over and that means it’s that time of year for our annual sale. A-1 Golf Carts has now been in business for 28 years, no easy
Lithium Batteries
Mar. 27 2017 NewsWe’ve been waiting for around 5 years now to start carrying lithium batteries. At that time the technology was new to golf carts, it was expensive,
2017 Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show and Expo
Feb. 28 2017 NewsIt was a fun year at the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show and Expo. We provided 650+ golf carts for the contestants, staff and visitors. Check out some f
Battery Maintenance
Jan. 6 2017 NewsBattery Maintenance (Lead Acid Batteries) There’s one thing we are all guaranteed when it comes to electric golf carts, you will inevitably have to cl